Responsive Design and HTML 5


When the internet first broke out to the mainstream, computers were only made for home use. Fast forward to present times where computer technology has shifted into every aspect of our lives including telephones and television. With that said the internet is basically is following where ever computers go so how is it seen on different devices.

That is done by the technique of responsive design. Mitch Dunaway writes responsive design is not so much a technology but more of a “philosophy” broken down by flexible grids and images and media queries. But not all of it can be a good fit for everybody. Jordan Moore writes in the article, “Content Choreography”, that some elements may work for one site and not another. He gives an example that if media queries aren’t used right, websites will not run correclty across platforms and it can be like somebody who rearranged the groceries everytime you closed the door.

Another new aspect to websites is the use of HTML5. This is the latest of the codes but still is being worked on to have more elements discovered. One of the greatest things about HTML5 is that is suited for structuring webpages to fit across multiple platforms. There is also additional tags such as footer and also an option for a blog entry space.

But there are still questions remaining to be asked: How simple or difficult can HTML5 be? What is the awareness that companies have about responsive design of their websites to reach?

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