The Brandon Simmons Blog

Where Intelligence and Good Looks Come together

  • The Playoff Somewhat Payoff

      Yes!!! Made it another year to get to this point of the year: NBA playoffs!! Can’t lie. NBA Playoffs over any other playoffs but I established that already. So instead I’m goin to go on a ledge and do something I’ve never done before: make playoff pics. Now bear…

  • Bad Rap

    In 2006 Nas dropped the album Hip Hop is Dead and oh my damn Hip Hop went crazy. In 2013 I’m startin to ponder how true those words could be? Especially considering what the first few months of rap music has seemed to be in comparison to its supposed more…

  • Accident Needing to Happen?

        Smmfh. Of all things to be done this year, a white has sparked a real conversation about racism. Brad Paisley dropped a new joint with LL Cool J titled “Accidental Racist” a song about a white man dealing with racial differences which in my opinion is like Kobe Bryant dealing with playing…

  • Gay Marriage and Gun Control

    Whats the difference between gay marriage and gun control? Surely Im not mistaking you right now. Honestly when making a somewhat decent attempt to watch the news I see either one or the other. A month or so ago it was all about guns. Now lately it’s been all about…

  • Psst It’s not a Secret: My Experiences and Thoughts with the Illuminati

      Honestly, a lot of shit doesnt even bother me that much. Most of the time I say it does so I can get riled up for fun and blog it. But this shit right here my nigga, oh my damn!! Apparently an unsigned rapper tried to sacrifice his friend…

  • Life is But a Beyonce Song

    Has Beyonce not shut down the game this year? I mean seriously come on now. Super Bowl she shut off tha lights with her halftime performance. HBO aired her documentary Life is but A Dream which answered the rumors of her having a surrogate to protect her FIIINE ASS BODDY.…

  • Roger That

    This past week USA Today had an article about NFL players disapproving the way Roger Goodell has done things as commissioner. For what tho? Why are people hating on this man? What the hell has he done wrong in a business sense. NFL ratings are booming. Popularity is prolly at…

  • Ruled Out

    Ironically, on MLK weekend would I be posting about this particular issue but quite frankly I have to come out and say it. The Rooney Rule in the NFL has to go. In case you don’t know what that is (or if a racist) the Rooney Rule is a rule…

Meet the Man

Get to know the talented individual behind this blog

When i was a freshman in high school I remember we hd to write our autobiography of our likes and interests. Fast forward 13 years later and I’m doing the same in the form a website for my graduate class. I could copy some of the same things butI’m not sure my professor would buy the fact that my favorite cereal is CapN Crunch or Allen Iverson is my all-time favorite athlete.

When I first started this website it was as basic as basic websites can be, but now with newer additions such as html5, css and WordPress it is looking more like 21st century than 1995 which I am very proud of. Also when I first started this site, it was intended for purposes of being in my portfolio to submit to companies. Included within this site is everything you want to know about me personally and professionally. If you are a fan of any content shown on here then feel free to check back on the site regularly as I will be updating this site even after the class is finished. So click on any of the links above and get to know me as much as you want.