Testing Infographic
So I looked up how to make an infographic online and came up with a few. Check them out, it’s just some stuff I played around with. NBA Career Comparison | Create Infographics
Picture Me Coding: Big Data Visualizations
For the past two weeks we have basically took the crash course into data journalism and may have more to go. In this current section of it, it focuses more on the visulizations that have appeared with the data which in a sense puts into visual everything that has…
My Bittersweet Attitude on Pay2Play
For the last few weeks or so I have been seeing posts regarding the practice of pay2play. I just wanna offer some insight from my personal view. I came to Central Texas in 04 to attend Texas State and graduated in 09. Around that time, San Marcos’ opportunities for hip…
Newsroom and Data Journalism
Last week’s readings introduced us to data journalism and what it all entails. This week is focusing on more of the application of data journalism, particularly in the newsrooms. One of the questions I proposed for the last discussion was whether or not data journalism can help alleviate news…
San Marcos Music Award Nominee
So this weekend I received some amazing news regarding my music. I have been nominated for a San Marcos Music Award for Slept on Artist of the Year. For those who do not know what “slept on” means, it is another term for describing someone who is underrated at what…
Why I Think the Seahawks SHOULD Win; But Why they Won’t
Making this year’s Super Bowl prediction was not as easy as one might assume. Perhaps it is because this year I am apart of an actual sports writing team and sports writing requires you to make some educated and some uneducated guesses. I mean looking at both of these teams…
Data Journalism
Data journalism is the new thing going on in the world of reporting. What is it you ask? Pretty much finding a story from a huge set of statistics or numbers and that is an understatement. Data comes from anywhere and everywhere that it can be found. Steve Lohr…
Responsive Design and HTML 5
When the internet first broke out to the mainstream, computers were only made for home use. Fast forward to present times where computer technology has shifted into every aspect of our lives including telephones and television. With that said the internet is basically is following where ever computers go so…