The Brandon Simmons Blog

Where Intelligence and Good Looks Come together

  • No Milli

    “They shouldve never gave you niggas money!!” Maybe tha students at University of Arizona shouldve took heed to those words as they put up a cocnert that lost over A MILLION DOLLARS!!!! The problem I have is how the fuck did u spell a milli in the midst of a…

  • Relays:It Went Down

    This past weekend was the one of the most fucked up weekends I ever had in my life yet it was one of the greatest weekends I ever had in my life. I have to be talkng about Texas Relays. In case you didnt know, relays is the black version…

  • North America’s Team

    And as i was sitting down watchin the basketball game talkin shit about some females, i saw the greatest joke of the yr on the news ticker. “Terell Owens signs a 1 yr deal to Buffalo Bills”. I wasnt even drunk when I saw that either so i was doubly…

  • Out of My Mind or out of your Fuckin Mind?!

    I missed you bastads. I have been sick for a week and havent been able to do a damn thing except go to class. whoop de doo. Now I finally have some idle time and gonna crnk out some heavy ass blogs this week. And while im waitin for the…

  • Coaches’ Corner of a Cell

    Football is my favorite sport and I played in high school so this story really kinda touches home with me. Theres a coach in Kentucky facing reckless homicde charges after one of his players have died during august training camp. Seeing as a I just left my Media Law class…

  • Obama is Here

    Well after damn near 2 years of classic battles, racist jokes, a consistently shitty economy, and the long awaited end of a of heavily faulty presidency, Barack Hussein Obama is finally the president of the United States of America. An African-American is our president and he actually lived to the…

  • Who’s Next?

    Like every other person with at least 5 dollas in their pocket and someone workin the back do, I went to see Notorious. It was one of the best movies I ever saw and it basically shits on Seven Pounds (blog comin soon). So I asked myself, ive seen movies…

  • The Inaug Blog

    Ladies and Gentlemen!! Rappers!! random muhfuckas!!! Dearly Beloved and hated!!! my fellow Americans and nerd folks!! hip hop heads!! The Time has come for change. For truth. Truth we can all believe in. On this day of remembrance of one of our greatest civil rights leaders, on this week in…

Meet the Man

Get to know the talented individual behind this blog

When i was a freshman in high school I remember we hd to write our autobiography of our likes and interests. Fast forward 13 years later and I’m doing the same in the form a website for my graduate class. I could copy some of the same things butI’m not sure my professor would buy the fact that my favorite cereal is CapN Crunch or Allen Iverson is my all-time favorite athlete.

When I first started this website it was as basic as basic websites can be, but now with newer additions such as html5, css and WordPress it is looking more like 21st century than 1995 which I am very proud of. Also when I first started this site, it was intended for purposes of being in my portfolio to submit to companies. Included within this site is everything you want to know about me personally and professionally. If you are a fan of any content shown on here then feel free to check back on the site regularly as I will be updating this site even after the class is finished. So click on any of the links above and get to know me as much as you want.