
  • Where’s The Beef?: The Importance of Lyrical Battles

    Unfortunately this title may seem a little misleading, because you may think this article will tell you that lyrical battles are everything in hip hop. Well that statement will get a “yes” and a “no”. Honestly, if you look at the current state of hip hop right now that importance…

  • Do Lyrics Matter?

    Its crazy how Waka Flaka Flame thinks lyrics dont matter.Like im really trippin out on how he thinks that is a viable statement because it doesnt matter who you are, lyrics will always matter. Sry non rappin ass niggas, but rappin ass niggas may be here for a while. But…

  • The Growing Pain

    Im officiciallY fed up after these past few weeks. I keep blowing this Texans shit off but I feel like I have to say something because of all this shit goin on. The Texans are playing like a piece of shit expansion AND NEEDS TO GROW THE FUCK UP!!!! This…

  • Super Fail!!

    video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsfree video player Superhead has done somthin I havent done in a minute, and thats take a white man’s side in a matter. She called into the Rod Ryan show on 94.5 The Buzz to promote her new book about keeping a man. How tha biggest ho…

  • Tale of the (Mix)Tape

    Dammit Jay-Z whut the hell are u waitin on? You have to whup this nigga Game. Hip Hop needs this battle right now. Im sry ppl if I havent came in with tha usual flashy intro, but there are no other words to describe how this needs to pop off…

  • I’m Ready for my Close Up Professor Xavier

    Do not be surpised if youre watching the Emmys and Superman flys in on the Red Carpet. No other genre of movie has been as huge as the Superhero movie in this decade. Before the 2000’s comic book heroes were barely even heard of outside of Saturday morning cartoons and…

  • No Milli

    “They shouldve never gave you niggas money!!” Maybe tha students at University of Arizona shouldve took heed to those words as they put up a cocnert that lost over A MILLION DOLLARS!!!! The problem I have is how the fuck did u spell a milli in the midst of a…

  • Relays:It Went Down

    This past weekend was the one of the most fucked up weekends I ever had in my life yet it was one of the greatest weekends I ever had in my life. I have to be talkng about Texas Relays. In case you didnt know, relays is the black version…

  • North America’s Team

    And as i was sitting down watchin the basketball game talkin shit about some females, i saw the greatest joke of the yr on the news ticker. “Terell Owens signs a 1 yr deal to Buffalo Bills”. I wasnt even drunk when I saw that either so i was doubly…

  • Out of My Mind or out of your Fuckin Mind?!

    I missed you bastads. I have been sick for a week and havent been able to do a damn thing except go to class. whoop de doo. Now I finally have some idle time and gonna crnk out some heavy ass blogs this week. And while im waitin for the…